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FrogPilot Changelog

August 2nd, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • Added a button to cancel the current model download
  • Fixed a mismatched file for the "SecretGoodOpenpilot" model
  • Fixed a "divide by 0" error for the curve detection in "Conditional Experimental Mode"

August 1st, 2024 Update for FrogPilot v0.9.7

Model Switcher V8

  • The latest iteration of the "Model Switcher" brings quite a handful refinements that have drastically increased the reliability and end user experience when managing your driving models. For starters, it's been renamed to "Model Management" and I've added failsafes and error catching that are displayed to you when attempting to download a model so you're not left in the dark wondering why it's stuck on "Downloading model..." for 30 seconds. On top of that, I've added quality of life features such as each model having their own calibration profiles, an option to ensure your models are always up to date if comma releases new versions of their existing models or adds new models, and a "Model Randomizer" that randomly selects a model each drive and if the drive was over 15 minutes, it brings up a prompt where you can rate the model and eventually find what model works best for you! Oh, and the "Radical Turtle" and "SecretGoodOpenpilot" models are now non-staging exclusive models!

Screen Recorder V2

  • Ever wonder what the heck that weird red dot on your screen was? Well, it was a screen recorder that, well, records your screen. But it's been completely redesigned so you no longer have to wonder! On top of that, you'll find the recordings themselves are higher quality in terms of both frame rate and bitrate and it tanks your FPS a bit less (a 30% improvement!). The file names are now in a much easier to read format as well (July_27_2024-01:14PM.mp4 for example).

Other Enhancements

  • Added a "HAL 9000" random event when openpilot denies activation
  • Added a message to the status bar when the “Force Stop At Stop Lights” function is triggered
  • Added a "time to lead" variable on the lead marker when using "Developer UI"
  • Added a toggle to opt out of comma's new longitudinal API for GM to the "Vehicles" panel
  • Added an alert when openpilot is forcing a stop
  • Added buttons to delete and rename screen recordings to the "Device" panel
  • Added @jyoung8607's params learner tweak to help lateral control in curves
  • Added the option to override the forced stop with the "Resume" button
  • Networks are now refreshed once a second
  • Refined the "Green Light Alert" to filter out a handful of false positive conditions
  • Refined the "Lead Tracking" logic to only track leads within the model's following range
  • Tweaked the “Force Stop At Stop Lights” function to trigger much more aggressively
  • Tweaked the "Sport" acceleration profile to be more conservative
  • Updates now automatically download in the background while onroad

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the "Automatically Lock/Unlock Doors" for Toyota/Lexus from properly working
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the speed limit confirmation alert to trigger for speed limits of "0" if the user was using the "Set Speed" fallback option
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the toggles to "lag" when opening the "Conditional Experimental Mode" subtoggles
  • Fixed an issue that would cause toggles to not properly sync up with the "Disable openpilot Longitudinal" toggle
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the "Navigation" functions from working on unregistered devices
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent "Škoda" vehicles from showing up in the car selector
  • Fixed an issue where some random events would trigger twice in a row

Code Base & Maintenance

  • Added a call counter to ensure toggles are only checked once per toggle change
  • Added threading locks to "" to prevent race conditions
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with parameter blockings and decodings
  • Increased the minimum time for a drive to count as a "drive" from 5 to 15 minutes
  • Migrated FrogPilot functions out of ""
  • Tweaked some of the alerts to have uniform capitalization

July 23rd, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the universe to implode when calculating the current road curvature
  • Fixed an issue that would overload the memory from the "Acceleration Path" in the UI causing it to crash
  • Overall "frogpilot_process" bug fixes and timing improvements

July 8th, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • Added the toggle "Use comma's New Longitudinal API" for Hyundai/Kia/Genesis to the "Vehicles" panel to test comma's new longitudinal API that was previously completely disabled for HKG due to some minor stopping and acceleration issues
  • Cleaned up the toggle values in the "Toggles Value" section in "Fleet Manager"
  • Fixed an issue where staging exclusive driving models would work on the release branch
  • Fixed an issue where the driving model wouldn't properly load if the model file wasn't found
  • Fixed an issue where the state of "Experimental Mode" wouldn't change instantly when toggling it on/off via the "LKAS" button when "Conditional Experimental Mode" is toggled off
  • Fixed an issue where the steering wheel gifs would be enlarged
  • Tweaked the "Sport" acceleration profile to be a bit snappier in mid ranged speeds

July 3rd, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • Updated the comma pedal tune at low speeds from OPGM

July 2nd, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • Added a separate toggle to show the stopping point distance
  • Added more failsafes to the model manager
  • Doubled the minimum required speed to start to force a stop sooner after a red light or stop sign is detected
  • Fixed an issue that would enable the "2017 Volt SNG" functionality for all GM vehicles
  • Fixed an issue where the "2017 Volt SNG" toggle would be visible for all of GM
  • Refined the "Curve Detection" logic for "Conditional Experimental Mode" to exit curves sooner
  • Tweaked the "Sport" acceleration profile to be a bit snappier at low speeds

July 1st, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • Due to some braking concerns with the new "Notre Dame" model, "North Dakota v2" is now the default model

July 1st, 2024 Update for FrogPilot v0.9.7

Conditional Experimental Mode Refinements

  • A few weeks ago I pushed out an update patch with some refinements to the "stop light detection logic" for "Conditional Experimental Mode" and this update improves upon it even more! Not only did I manage to cut the entire code length in half, but "Experimental Mode" triggers for stop signs and stop lights MUCH sooner! They can now be detected up to 656 feet (200meters) from 394 feet(120 meters) when driving at 50mph (80kph)! This also comes with MAJOR improvements to the lead detection when deciding if it's stopping for the red light, so I've removed the respective toggle since I'm 100% confident the new logic will catch every time your lead is going to run the red light or not. The "Green Light Alert" is also vastly improved in reliability! Along with this new logic, I also added the option to "force" openpilot to a complete stop when driving at low speeds when a stop sign is detected (Controls -> Quality of Life -> Force Standstill State) to help prevent "California Stops". Let me know how well this new logic works for you in the #conditional-experimental-mode channel!

Longitudinal Tuning (Cont.)

  • With comma's new "Longitudinal Controller" (that is included in this update), I fine tuned some of my own longitudinal changes to ensure every nook and cranny is refined and as "human-like" as possible. So now the "Sport" acceleration profile is sportier, the "Eco" acceleration profile is more economical, their respective deceleration profiles are more liner and tend to "coast" more, the "Increase Acceleration Behind Lead" function now uses the lead's acceleration rate for a more natural takeoff, and the acceleration rate is reduced when the desired speed is low to prevent high acceleration through residential areas!

Other Enhancements

  • Added a toggle for a "Stopped Timer" to "Visuals -> Quality of Life"
  • Added a toggle to control the current state of "Always On Lateral" via the LKAS button
  • Added a toggle to display the current stopping point to "Visuals -> Custom Onroad UI"
  • Added an alert when "Traffic Mode" is activated/deactivated
  • Added stop and go support for the "Chevy Volt" thanks to @mochi86420!
  • Added toggles to customize the "Danger Zone" cost
  • Added the "Deja Vu" random event for when you take curves quickly
  • Changed the "Toggle On" color to match the overall FrogPilot theme
  • Converted the "Enable Tethering" toggle to a button to retain tethering status while either onroad, or all the time
  • Converted the "Firefox" random event to a gif
  • Improved the car model selector to be easier to find your car
  • Improved the reliability of the model downloader
  • Removed the “Truck Tune” toggle
  • Split out the "Lateral Metrics" and "Longitudinal Metrics" toggles into buttons
  • Split out the "Slower/Stopped Lead Detected Ahead" toggle into 2 buttons for each condition
  • Tweaked the "Blind Spot" and "Turn Signal" border functions to be more responsive
  • Tweaked the “FrogPilot” Toyota tune to be more aggressive when accelerating and stopping
  • Updated the default model to "Notre Dame"
  • Vehicles that use comma's version of "NNFF" can now use "NNFF-Lite"

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the "Lead Departing Alert" would trigger for far away leads
  • Fixed an issue where the original boot logo wouldn't restore for older installs when uninstalling
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the FCW random event to trigger twice in a row
  • Fixed an issue where the blind spot turn signal image wouldn't properly populate

Code Base & Maintenance

  • Optimized the onroad UI
  • Rebased off of 0.9.7 release
  • Refined the commit history some more
  • Resynced with OPGM
  • Toggle values are now only checked once upon toggle change

June 18th, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing lane changes when manually nudging the steering wheel with a lane change timer set

June 16th, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • VASTLY improved the red light/stop sign detection logic. Current testing shows a nearly double detection length

June 9th, 2024 Patch for FrogPilot v0.9.7

  • Added back support for the "Baby Enclave"
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue that was causing the max speed to get stuck at 15mph for a few seconds
  • Fixed an issue that was causing openpilot to drive slightly slower than the set speed when "Speed Limit Controller" was toggled off
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some minor rubber banding at highway speeds when driving behind a lead
  • Fixed an issue where some alerts wouldn't properly activate
  • Fixed an issue where the "Disable openpilot Longitudinal Control" toggle wouldn't properly sync with the "Vehicles" panel
  • Fixed an issue where the "Turn Signal Only" option for the "Pause Lateral Below" wasn't properly working

June 1st, 2024 Update for FrogPilot v0.9.7: Highlight Features

Developer UI

  • Expanded "Developer UI" in the "Visuals" panel with additional toggles and customizations
  • Added border color indicators for blind spot detection, current steering torque, and active turn signals
  • Moved existing "hidden" features like sidebar metrics for easy access

Longitudinal Tuning

  • Fine-tuned features under "Longitudinal Tuning" in the "Controls" panel
  • Added "Experimental" button for more aggressive following from a standstill
  • Introduced "Apply to Jerk" and "Far Lead Offset" buttons for smoother braking
  • Enhanced "Experimental Mode" to take precedence over chosen "Deceleration Profile"
  • Improved "Eco", "Sport", and "Sport+" acceleration profiles at highway speeds

Other Enhancements

  • Added reset button for "Customize Personalities"
  • Included informational message for "Traffic Mode" activation
  • Added toggle to customize dashboard speed offset for Toyota/Lexus
  • Introduced toggle for minimum lane change speed customization
  • Added "Taco Tune" toggle for improved left/right turns
  • Implemented toggle to use car's "Eco" and "Sport" gears for acceleration/deceleration profiles
  • Added "Dynamic" and "Static" options for "Pedals Being Pressed" toggle
  • Added regen paddle support for "Honda Clarity"
  • Added support for "2023 Chevy Malibu No ACC"
  • Included "Jesus Take The Wheel" event in "Random Events"
  • Added "Traffic Mode" profile to "Customize Personalities"
  • Implemented automatic map redownload on reinstalls
  • Reorganized various toggles and features for better accessibility
  • Tweaked curve detection, FrogPilot tune, and lead detection logic

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with "frogpilotPlan" startup timing
  • Resolved multiple map download issue

Code Base & Maintenance

  • Moved toggle handling to ""
  • Reworked commit history for easier feature code location