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Always On Lateral

Maintain openpilot lateral control when the brake or gas pedals are used. Deactivation occurs only through the 'Cruise Control' button.

  • Enable On Cruise Main: Enable "Always On Lateral" by clicking your 'Cruise Control' button without requiring openpilot to be enabled first.
  • Pause On Brake: Pause "Always On Lateral" when the brake pedal is being pressed below the set speed.
  • Hide the Status Bar: Don't use the status bar for "Always On Lateral".

Conditional Experimental Mode

Automatically switches to 'Experimental Mode' under predefined conditions.

  • Below and w/Lead: Switch to 'Experimental Mode' below this speed when not follow a lead vehicle.
  • Curve Detected Ahead: Switch to 'Experimental Mode' when a curve is detected.
  • Navigation Based: Switch to 'Experimental Mode' when a slower or stopped lead vehicle is detected ahead.
  • Slower/Stopped Lead Detected Ahead: Switch to 'Experimental Mode' based on navigation data. (i.e. Intersections, stop signs, upcoming turns, etc.)
  • Stop Lights and Stop Signs: Switch to 'Experimental Mode' when a stop light or stop sign is detected.
  • Turn Signal When Below Highway Speeds: Switch to 'Experimental Mode' when using turn signals below highway speeds to help assist with turns.
  • Hide Status Bar: Don't use the status bar for 'Conditional Experimental Mode'.

Device Management

Tweak your device's behaviors to your personal preferences.

  • Device Shutdown Timer: Configure how quickly the device shuts down after going offroad.
  • Disable Logging: Turn off all data tracking to enhance privacy or reduce thermal load.
  • Disable Uploads: Turn off all data uploads to comma's servers.
  • Increase Thermal Safety Limit: Allow the device to run at a temperature above comma's recommended thermal limits.
  • Low Voltage Shutdown Threshold: Automatically shut the device down when your battery reaches a specific voltage level to prevent killing your battery.
  • Offline Mode: Allow the device to be offline indefinitely.

Driving Personalities

Manage the driving behaviors of comma's 'Personality Profiles'.

Customize Personalities

Customize the driving personality profiles to your driving style.

Traffic Personality

Customize the 'Traffic' personality profile.

  • What Do All These Do?: Learn what all the values in 'Custom Personality Profiles' do on openpilot's driving behaviors.
  • Follow Distance: Set the minimum following distance when using 'Traffic Mode'. Your following distance will dynamically adjust between this distance and the following distance from the 'Aggressive' profile when driving between 0 and %1.
    • For example:
      • Traffic Mode: 0.5s
      • Aggressive: 1.25s
      • Standard: 1.45s
      • Relaxed: 1.75s
  • Acceleration/Deceleration Response Offset: Customize the response rate for acceleration when using 'Traffic Mode'.
  • Danger Zone Response Offset: Customize the response rate for the danger zone factor when using the 'Traffic' personality.
  • Speed Control Response Offset: Customize the response rate for keeping your speed (including braking) when using 'Traffic Mode'.
  • Reset Settings: Reset the values for the 'Traffic Mode' personality back to stock.

Aggressive Personality

Customize the 'Aggressive' personality profile.

  • What Do All These Do?: Learn what all the values in 'Custom Personality Profiles' do on openpilot's driving behaviors.
  • Follow Distance: Set the 'Aggressive' personality following distance, Represents seconds to follow behind the lead vehicle.
    • Stock: 1.25 seconds.
  • Acceleration/Deceleration Response Offset: Customize the response rate for acceleration when using 'Aggressive'.
  • Danger Zone Response Offset: Customize the response rate for the danger zone factor when using the 'Aggressive' personality.
  • Speed Control Response Offset: Customize the response rate for keeping your speed (including braking) when using 'Aggressive'.
  • Reset Settings: Reset the values for the 'Aggressive' personality back to stock.

Standard Personality

Customize the 'Standard' personality profile.

  • What Do All These Do?: Learn what all the values in 'Custom Personality Profiles' do on openpilot's driving behaviors.
  • Follow Distance: Set the 'Standard' personality following distance, Represents seconds to follow behind the lead vehicle.
    • Stock: 1.45 seconds.
  • Acceleration/Deceleration Response Offset: Customize the response rate for acceleration when using 'Standard'.
  • Danger Zone Response Offset: Customize the response rate for the danger zone factor when using the 'Standard' personality.
  • Speed Control Response Offset: Customize the response rate for keeping your speed (including braking) when using 'Standard'.
  • Reset Settings: Reset the values for the 'Standard' personality back to stock.

Relaxed Personality

Customize the 'Relaxed' personality profile.

  • What Do All These Do?: Learn what all the values in 'Custom Personality Profiles' do on openpilot's driving behaviors.
  • Follow Distance: Set the 'Relaxed' personality following distance, Represents seconds to follow behind the lead vehicle.
    • Stock: 1.75 seconds.
  • Acceleration/Deceleration Response Offset: Customize the response rate for acceleration when using 'Relaxed'.
  • Danger Zone Response Offset: Customize the response rate for the danger zone factor when using the 'Relaxed' personality.
  • Speed Control Response Offset: Customize the response rate for keeping your speed (including braking) when using 'Relaxed'.
  • Reset Settings: Reset the values for the 'Relaxed' personality back to stock.
  • Onroad Distance Button: Simulate a distance button via the onroad UI to control personalities, 'Experimental Mode', and 'Traffic Mode'.

Experimental Mode Activation

Toggle Experimental Mode with either buttons on the steering wheel or the screen. Overrides 'Condition Experimental Mode'.

  • Double Click LKAS: Enable/disable 'Experimental Mode' by double clicking the 'LKAS' button on your steering wheel.
  • Double Tap the UI: Enable/disable 'Experimental Mode' by double tapping the onroad UI within a 0.5 second time frame.
  • Long Press Distance: Enable/disable 'Experimental Mode' by holding down the 'distance' button on your steering wheel for 0.5 seconds.

Lane Change Customizations

Customize the lane change behaviors in openpilot.

  • Lane Change Timer: Set a delay before executing a lane change.
  • Lane Detection Threshold: Set the required lane width to be qualified as a lane.
  • Minimum Lane Change Speed: Customize the minimum driving speed to allow openpilot to change lanes.
  • Nudgeless Lane Change: Enable lane changes without requiring manual steering input.
  • One Lane Change Per Signal: Only allow one lane change per turn signal activation.

Lateral Tuning

Modify openpilot's steering behavior.

  • Twilsonco's NNFF/NNFF-Lite: Use Twilsonco's Neural Network Feedforward for enhanced precision in lateral control.
  • Steer Ratio: Use a custom steer ratio as opposed to comma's auto tune value.
  • Taco Tune: Use comma's 'Taco Tune' designed for handling left and right turns.
  • Use Turn Desires: Use turn desires for greater precision in turns below the minimum lane change speed.

Longitudinal Tuning

Modify openpilot's acceleration and braking behavior.

  • Acceleration Profile: Change the acceleration rate to be either sporty or eco-friendly.
  • Deceleration Profile: Change the deceleration rate to be either sporty or eco-friendly.
  • Increase Acceleration Behind Lead: Increase aggressiveness when following a faster lead.
  • Increase Stop Distance Behind Lead: Increase the stopping distance for a more comfortable stop from lead vehicles.
  • Lead Detection Threshold: Increase or decrease the lead detection threshold to either detect leads sooner, or increase model confidence.
  • Smoother Braking: Smoothen out the braking behavior when approaching slower vehicles.
  • Traffic Mode: Enable the ability to activate "Traffic Mode' by holding down the 'distance' button for 2.5 seconds. When 'Traffic Mode' is active the onroad UI will turn red and openpilot will drive catered towards stop and go traffic.

Map Turn Speed Control

Slow down for anticipated curves detected by the downloaded maps.

  • Disable MTSC UI Smoothing: Disables the smoothing for the requested speed in the onroad UI to show exactly when speed MTSC is currently requesting.
  • Model Curvature Detection Failsafe: Only trigger MTSC when the model detects a curve in the road. Purely used as a failsafe to prevent false positives. Leave off if you never experience false positives.
  • Turn Speed Aggressiveness: Set turn speed aggressiveness. Higher values result in faster turns, lower values yield gentler turns.

Model Selector

Manage openpilot's driving models.

  • Delete Model: Select model to delete.
  • Download Model: Select a model to download.
  • Select Model: Select a model to use.

Quality of Life

Miscellaneous quality of life changes to improve your overall openpilot experience.

  • Force openpilot to Stop: Force openpilot to stop for detected red lights and stop signs when 'Experimental Mode' is triggered.
  • Map Accel/Decel To Gears: Map your acceleration/deceleration profile to your 'Eco' and/or 'Sport' gears.
  • Pause Lateral Below: Pause lateral control on all speed below the set speed.
  • Reverse Cruise Increase: Reverses the 'long press' functionality logic to increase the max speed by 5 instead of 1. Useful to increase the max speed quickly.

Speed Limit Controller

Automatically adjust the max speed to match the current speed limit using 'Open Street Maps', 'Navigate On openpilot', or your car's dashboard (Toyotas/Lexus/HKG only).

Controls Settings

Manage toggles related to "Speed Limit Controller's" controls.

  • Speed Limit Offset (0-34 mph): Set the speed limit offset for limits between 0-34 mph.
  • Speed Limit Offset (35-54 mph): Set the speed limit offset for limits between 35-54 mph.
  • Speed Limit Offset (55-64 mph): Set the speed limit offset for limits between 55-64 mph.
  • Speed Limit Offset (65-99 mph): Set the speed limit offset for limits between 65-99 mph.
  • Fallback Method: Choose your fallback method when there is no speed limit available.
  • Override Method: Choose your preferred method to override the current speed limit.
  • Priority Order: Configure the speed limit priority order.

Quality of Life Settings

Manage toggles related to "Speed Limit Controller's" quality of life features.

  • Confirm New Speed Limits: Don't automatically start using the new speed limit until it's been manually confirmed.
  • Force MPH From Dashboard Readings: Force MPH readings from the dashboard. Only use this if you live in an area where the speed limits from your dashboard are in KPH, but you use MPH.
  • Prepare For Higher Speed Limits: Set a 'lookahead' value to prepare for upcoming speed limits higher than your current speed limit using the data stored in 'Open Street Maps'.
  • Prepare For Lower Speed Limits: Set a 'lookahead' value to prepare for upcoming speed limits lower than your current speed limit using the data stored in 'Open Street Maps'.

Visuals Settings

Manage toggles related to 'Speed Limit Controller's visuals.

  • Show Speed Limit Offset: Show the speed limit offset separated from the speed limit in the onroad UI when using 'Speed Limit Controller'.
  • Speed Limit Changed Alert: Trigger an alert whenever the speed limit changes.
  • Use Vienna Speed Limit Signs: Use the Vienna (EU) speed limit style signs as opposed to MUTCD (US).

Vision Turn Speed Controller

Slow down for detected curves in the road.

  • Disable VTSC UI Smoothing: Disables the smoothing for the requested speed in the onroad UI.
  • Curve Detection Sensitivity: Set curve detection sensitivity. Higher values prompt earlier responses, lower values lead to smoother but later reactions.
  • Turn Speed Aggressiveness: Set turn speed aggressiveness. Higher values result in faster turns, lower values yield gentler turns.