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FrogPilot Compatibility

FrogPilot is designed to be widely compatible with a range of vehicles, building upon the foundations laid by OpenPilot and other projects. This page provides an overview of current compatibility and future prospects.

Current Compatibility

FrogPilot is compatible with:

OpenPilot Compatible Vehicles

FrogPilot supports all vehicles that are compatible with upstream OpenPilot. This includes a wide range of makes and models from various manufacturers.

Main Article: OpenPilot Compatible Vehicles.

OPGM Compatible Vehicles

In addition to OpenPilot vehicles, FrogPilot is also compatible with all vehicles supported by upstream OPGM.

Main Article: OPGM Compatible Vehicles.

FrogPilot-Specific Additions

FrogPilot has expanded compatibility to include several additional vehicles through community contributions. These vehicles have been specifically added to the FrogPilot project:

  • [List of FrogPilot-specific vehicles]

Future Compatibility

FrogPilot is committed to expanding its compatibility to support an ever-growing range of vehicles. This expansion happens through two main channels:

Upstream Additions

As OpenPilot and OPGM continue to add support for new vehicles, FrogPilot will incorporate these additions, ensuring that our users have access to the latest compatibility updates.

Community Contributions

FrogPilot welcomes contributions from the community to add support for new vehicles. If you're interested in adding compatibility for a vehicle not currently supported, please see our contribution guidelines.

Checking Your Vehicle's Compatibility

To check if your specific vehicle is compatible with FrogPilot:

1. Consult the OpenPilot compatibility list 2. Check the OPGM compatibility list 3. Review the FrogPilot-specific additions listed above 4. Join our Discord community for the most up-to-date information and assistance

Compatibility Disclaimer

While FrogPilot strives for broad compatibility, it's important to note that the performance and features may vary depending on the specific make and model of your vehicle. Always ensure that you understand the capabilities and limitations of FrogPilot with respect to your particular vehicle before use.