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Alert Volume Controller

Control the volume level for each individual sound in OpenPilot.

Disengage Volume

Related alerts:
  • Adaptive Cruise Disabled
  • Parking Brake Engaged
  • Brake Pedal Pressed
  • Speed too Low

Engage Volume

Related alerts:
  • NNFF Torque Controller loaded
  • OpenPilot engaged

Prompt Volume

Related alerts:
  • Car Detected in Blindspot
  • Speed too Low
  • Steer Unavailable Below 'X'
  • Take Control, Turn Exceeds Steering Limit

Prompt Distracted Volume

Related alerts:
  • Pay Attention, Driver Distracted
  • Touch Steering Wheel, Driver Unresponsive

Refuse Volume

Related alerts:
  • OpenPilot Unavailable

Warning Volume

Related alerts:
  • BRAKE!, Risk of Collision

Warning Immediate Volume

Related alerts:
  • DISENGAGE IMMEDIATELY, Driver Distracted
  • DISENGAGE IMMEDIATELY, Driver Unresponsive

Custom Alerts

Enable custom alerts for OpenPilot events.

Green Light Alert

Get an alert when a traffic light changes from red to green.

Lead Departing Alert

Get an alert when the lead vehicle starts departing when at a standstill.

Custom Onroad UI

Customize the Onroad UI.


Add a compass to the onroad UI.


Show your projected acceleration on the driving path, detected adjacent lanes, or when a vehicle is detected in your blindspot.

Pedals Being Pressed

Display the brake and gas pedals on the onroad UI below the steering wheel icon.

Road Names

Display the current road's at the bottom of the screen. Sourced from OpenStreetMaps.

Steering Wheel Icon

Replace the default steering wheel icon with a custom icon.

Custom Themes

Enable the ability to use custom themes.

📢 Want to submit your own color scheme? Post it in the 'feature-request' channel in the FrogPilot Discord!

Color Theme

Switch out the standard OpenPilot color scheme with theme colors.

Icon Pack

Switch out the standard OpenPilot icons with a set of themed icons.

Sound Pack

Switch out the standard OpenPilot sounds with a set of themed sounds.

Turn Signals

Add themed animation for your turn signals.

Holiday Themes

The OpenPilot theme changes according to the current/upcoming holiday. Minor holidays last a day, while major holidays (Easter, Christmas, Halloween, etc.) last a week.

Random Events

Enjoy a bit of unpredictability with random events that can occur during certain driving conditions. This is purely cosmetic and has no impact on driving controls!

Developer UI

Get various detailed information of what OpenPilot is doing behind the scenes.

Border Metrics

Display metrics in onroad UI border.

FPS Counter

Display the 'Frames Per Second' (FPS) of your onroad UI for monitoring system performance.

Lateral Metrics

Display various metrics related to the lateral performance of openpilot.

Longitudinal Metrics

Display various metrics related to the longitudinal performance of OpenPilot.

Numerical Temperature Gauge

Replace the 'GOOD', 'OK', and 'HIGH' temperature statuses with a numerical temperature gauge based on the highest temperature between the memory, CPU, and GPU.


Display various custom metrics on the sidebar for the CPU, GPU, RAM, IP, and storage used/left.

Use International System of Units

Display relevant metrics in the SI format.

Model UI

Customize the model visualizations on the screen.

Dynamic Path Width

Have the path width dynamically adjust based on the current engagement state of openpilot.

Hide Lead Marker

Hide the lead marker from the onroad UI.

Lane Lines

Customize the lane line width.
Default matches the MUTCD average of 4 inches.

Path Edges

Adjust the width of the path edges show on your UI to represent different driving modes and statuses.
Default is 20% of the total path.
  • 🔵Blue = Navigation
  • 🟦Light Blue = 'Always On Lateral'
  • 🟢Green = Default
  • 🟠Orange = 'Experimental Mode'
  • 🔴Red = 'Traffic Mode'
  • 🟡Yellow = 'Conditional Experimental Mode' Overridden

Path Width

Customize the width of the driving path down on your UI.
Default matches the width of a 2019 Lexus ES 350

Road Edges

Customize the road edges width.
Default is 1/2 of the MUTCD average lane line width of 4 inches.

'Unlimited' Road UI Length

Extend the display of the path, lane lines, and road edges out as far as the model can see.

Quality of Life

Miscellaneous quality of life changes to improve the overall OpenPilot experience.

Big Map

Increase the size of the map in the onroad UI.

Camera View

Choose your preferred camera view for the onroad UI. This is purely a visual change and doesn't impact how openpilot drives.

Driver Camera On Reverse

Show the driver camera feed when in reverse.

Hide Speed

Hide the speed indicator in the onroad UI. Additional toggle allow it to be hidden/shown via tapping the speed itself.

Map Style

Select a map style to use with navigation.

Stopped Timer

Display a timer in the onroad UI that indicates how long you've been stopped for.

Use Wheel Speed

Use the wheel speed instead of the cluster speed in the onroad UI.

Screen Management

Manage your screen's brightness, timeout settings, and hide onroad UI elements.

Hide UI Elements

Hide selected UI elements from the onroad screen.

Screen Brightness

Customize your screen brightness when offroad.

Screen Brightness (Onroad)

Customize the screen brightness when onroad.

Screen Recorder

Enable the ability to record the screen while onroad.

Screen Timeout

Customize how long it takes for your screen to turn off.

Screen Timeout (Onroad)

Customize how long it takes for your screen to run off when onroad.

Standby Mode

Turn the screen off after your screen times out when onroad, but wake it back up when engagement state changes or important alerts are triggered.